Monday, 25 July 2011


I am going to do a series of images which shows kind of simple movement in real life, such as : person walking, running, dancing, or while running he got fell down, etc. In my opinion, watching an animation is so interesting because it is a combination of tons of images which causes the movements. My animation slider gives a chance to people to watch, to research and to experience a movement.
In order to make the object small or even so-called tiny, I would like to design the series of images in form of a long paper roll; one spinning handle gives the control of moving forward or backward the images.
I think my object doesn’t require any knowledge from users, just simply “rock-n-roll”, go spin the handle to see the images. It would be real fun when people try to make the movement fits their eyes, meanwhile they can move it fast, slow, forward, backward; and I think users will also try to create their the movement really fast or slow to research around the movement which is seen as everyday movement. For example, everybody, once, twice or more did have some times running around then got fallen down onto the ground; it is very common but people can watch it in only one way and on the speed caused from force, gravity, etc. Therefore, breaking through these and see the differences just from the scene “running then falling down” is interesting.



I am not really good at crafting and making things, so the model doesn't look really good. The point here is I have had some experiences through making the prototype, I've researched around and gradually got the idea how a conveyor belt works. My prototype still need to be improved a lot. The strain on the images rolls is not good enough, it is loosen whenever I try to spin the handles.
And here is useful feedback I got from my tutor and classmates :
  • Put it a box and leave a small window for the images
  • One handle better
  • Consider changing images
  • Have the two axles connected through gears, etc... so they stay in line
  • Try to use wooden sticks instead of paper ones
My plan : need to find a way to improve the structure so it will make the whole images roll moves faster and also remain the strain on the paper surface.

Sunday, 24 July 2011


It was quite a busy week making the prototype for last Friday. I've been working for 5-6 hours to make a kinda animation slider with two spinning handles. It was not really good, but I got lots of experiences from making it. It was quite fun though, sad that I don't have enough time to make some more improvements. Mrs. Blachzitsky gave me lots of useful feedback for a better version out of it. Thanks class, this week was busy but fun.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


First Idea

Second and Third idea

Monday, 18 July 2011



Mrs. Blachnitszky showed us something really interesting this morning lecture.
1) The video with the question "How many times do the white pass the balls?". I was up to that challenge, and tried my best to count (still get it wrong by the way ^^). After all, one more question showed up : "Did you see the gorillaz?". I was like "Did it really exist in the scene?". The replay was back on, yes, it was right in the middle of the scene moving around. How surprise it was! In conclusion, when people are up to challenges and need to focus on something, the mind tell them just consider those things and almost ignore everything else. That's why.

I got the link :

2) A man pronounce one word (I don't really get what exact that sound is). When I was watching and hearing, he liked pronouncing "da da da". Then the narrator asked to close the eyes and hear, it was really clear in my ears "ba ba ba". Next, the video showed him as before without sound, looked at his mouth like he tried pronouncing "ga ga ga". In conclusion, under different circumstances, people's senses act differently and even when using senses together, it will provide really different results. That was really interesting.




Other students in my group brought a lot of interesting things last week, such  as helicopter toy, rubik, top spin... They really inspired my for the first project. In my opinion, making something like interactive objects is just amazing, a lot of innovations and interesting experiences are up in my mind. Three things I found the first week is interesting.
1) Lots of fun in class through experiencing the object students brought to class
2) Hearing really innovative thoughts from other student and even from my tutor
3) I found so new with interactive objects, because I am always be impressed by interactive objects like Ipod, Ipad, touchscreen things... and really want to make something like them.

Next week, I am ready for my own ideas and sketches, ready to rock !!!

Thursday, 14 July 2011


My initial thinking is almost the Apples Products : Ipod touch, Ipad and Iphone

Sense : Touch, See, Hear

2) Smart Fridge from Designer : Ashley Legg

This fridge is the fridge of the future with all the awesome applications, like fill the food, select a meal based on what you have, listen to the instruction for cooking....
Sense : Touch, Hear, See, Smell

3) I don't know how it's called but it's kind of lolly in powder that will be react whenever you put it in your mouth, pop in your mouth (I meant kind of explode, I don't know), very interesting to taste it.
Sense : Taste

4) The smart air humidifier

It will keep your atmosphere and humidity in the adjusted condition, I mean whenever the environment get dry, the humidifier will work and spray out the cool steam (or just very tiny water drops) to cool down the atmosphere.
Sense : React with temperature

5) One of the most popular application in the world : computer
Sense : See, touch, hear

Computer and along applications : Mouse, Keyboard, Speakers, Screen. No need to explain, these are the most well known things in this world.


The first studio was great. Everybody brought up lots of interesting things.

Some inspired me in each senses :
Sound : harmonica, plastic bag, coin drop, sand papers rub on each others
Smell : Tummery or Tummerine (I forgot how it's called) powder, BBQ powder, and tissue odor (yeah, why not)
Touch : the impressed little rubber thingy (I couldn't hear when he called it and I didn't know how to pronounce his name), the metal net
Sight :  some models the students made from several last projects, yes, they are amazing.
Taste : nevertheless, cookies and lolly are always winners.

Had some fun there, I really enjoyed the studio.