Monday, 25 July 2011


I am going to do a series of images which shows kind of simple movement in real life, such as : person walking, running, dancing, or while running he got fell down, etc. In my opinion, watching an animation is so interesting because it is a combination of tons of images which causes the movements. My animation slider gives a chance to people to watch, to research and to experience a movement.
In order to make the object small or even so-called tiny, I would like to design the series of images in form of a long paper roll; one spinning handle gives the control of moving forward or backward the images.
I think my object doesn’t require any knowledge from users, just simply “rock-n-roll”, go spin the handle to see the images. It would be real fun when people try to make the movement fits their eyes, meanwhile they can move it fast, slow, forward, backward; and I think users will also try to create their the movement really fast or slow to research around the movement which is seen as everyday movement. For example, everybody, once, twice or more did have some times running around then got fallen down onto the ground; it is very common but people can watch it in only one way and on the speed caused from force, gravity, etc. Therefore, breaking through these and see the differences just from the scene “running then falling down” is interesting.