Today, we watched the movie called "An Inconvenient Truth".
I would say it was a very good movie, I meant not that kind of movies with lots of actions and interesting scenes, but it gave me a big visual look at our global problem "global warming". The causes are common, by manufacturing things and using energy, we are creating tons and tons of carbon dioxide go straight into the ozone layer.
Furthermore, the graph which the lecturer showed in the movie was incredibly surprising. In 50-year period, only in the US, it is not my best to talk about math and stuffs but I can see the slope on the graph go up unstoppably with very high angle. The fact is the Earth is in risk, it is changed much everyday, as strong since 50 years back here. For example, lots of beautiful, giant ice glaciers around the world are losing or even distinctive, then now showing a kind of desert-looking with no water or living things on it.
This is a real warning for us to start to think about our energy consuming and think about the environment (I know the scientists thought ages ago, but for us people now is the time to think about them)