Monday, 12 September 2011


I made some kind of deep research into New Zealand energy, the information may be old but still useful for me to realize some idea for Project 2.
- : New Zealand with small population & abundant natural resources, is a net importer of energy. Energy importation is in the form of oil products.
New Zealand consumption is 4.53 TOE (Tonne of oil equivalent) per capita
- I forgot the source for this one : Energy consumption in 2009 (PJ)
       - Coal = 18.4 | - Oil 252 | - Gas = 57.9 | - Renewables = 61 | - Electricity = 140 | -- Total = 529.3

- In term of energy intensity, New Zealand is just a little bit lower than the global average.
- 2007, electricity costs 25 cents per unit

- Some examples : application household
            ... standard size family fridge | standby 5W | running 150W
            ... Computer - Core 2 Duo | standby 12W | running 200W

- New Zealand homes account for about 12% of the country's total energy use. In 2008, $2.5 billion was spent just for electricity.

- June, 2009 : average family household energy
         | 30% water heating | 29% space heating | 12% others use electricity | 11% fridge | 8% lighting |
         | 7% cooking | 4% other appliances