Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Today, Mrs. Blachnitzky gave us more information and inspirations. I took notes some.
PLUMEN - Energy Saving Bulb : the good design on lighting industry, they apply good technology on the bulbs so the way the energy flow inside will be saved much more.

And then we went through some interviews' great people :
 - Richard Saul Wurman
 - Chris Harrason with his inventions of Kinecticons : his icons are much more understandable and easy to use
 - TED's lecture with Aaron Koblin about Artfully visualizing our humanity : he was saying all the truth in a very interesting way, I was so impressed.
 - The last one Mrs. lecturer showed us is another TED's show : Fabion Hemmert - shape shifting.

I found that she updated this lecture on the blog. Here is the link :

In conclusion, this week's lecture gave me lots more inspiration to to change my initial ideas into much more interesting, and more understandable design of my own project

Edit : I almost forgot a very important part : the rules for the interface
1) Don't make users think, clear and easy
2) Information hierachy
3) Colour Coding
4) 3-clicks rule